Liverpool's Most Wanted
Publicado en Dec 01, 2010
Things were not always like this. Everything changed for all of us once we met John.  I mean John was always the most popular one, the richest one, the leader of the band. This sometimes got to him and sometimes got a little annoying. I've been planning along with George and Ringo to change this situation. Obviously we made it so John would never know we were against him. I mean when this band was formed, he decided that I should play the bass, Ringo the drums, George the guitar, and he would also play the guitar.  I wanted to play the guitar, but I let it go because I was earning a lot of money. "Hey Paul, are you ready to practice for today's concert in The Cavern?" said John. "Sure," I answered. Everything was ready for tonight. The boys and I would proceed with our evil plot. After the rehearsal we had a good luck toast. Well, for three of us at least. John didn't notice something weird with his cup. George had dissolved a mini pill before we rehearsed that would cause him to fall asleep.
So the concert began. When we were in the middle of the song, "Twist and Shout," the lights went out, and John fell over like a Rock. Everybody scrammed and ran out, which gave us time to hide the unconscious body. Ringo hid him in an old warehouse near The Cavern and kept him as a hostage there. After John woke up, we demanded from him more pay, more fame, and a better attitude for all of us. "Paul, George, Ringo? What is going on? Where are we?" he asked. "Shut up and listen you. You think you are all that. We are tired of receiving less money, less popularity, and less respect from you." I said. "What? You can't do this to me. I started this band. If it wasn't for me, none of you would be where you are right now." he replied. "Yeah, but if it wasn't for king Elvis, you wouldn't be where you are either," said Ringo. The next day the papers told what happened.
Dammed that Holmes and that Watson. Not even on their vacation they stop solving mysteries. While they were at London, they heard about all of this and decided to come and check it out. They came the very next day to The Cavern and observed the scene of the crime. "Look Watson, a button in the stage" said Holmes. "Let's take it" said Watson. He interviewed our representative. "Thank God, you appeared Mr. Holmes. I have a situation. Won't you please please help me?" he cried. "That's why we're here," said Watson. Our representative told him that when John left home, we three would have secret meetings. He also told him how the crime happened. Holmes asked some of the fans what they had seen. One of them told him that he saw a young lady pulling down on the light switch by accident. Holmes knew that this was not an accident. He spoke to everyone of us. We didn't tell him anything he hadn't heard. The next day we went for a walk around Liverpool. Meanwhile Watson and Holmes inspected our dressing rooms. Holmes found some pills that were just like the ones that George had used to make John fall asleep during the concert in George's guitar case. While this was going on, Watson picked up a letter that was thrown under our dressing room door. "Look, Sherlock, look," he said. Both detectives read the letter found by Watson that said: "He guys thank you for all the pictures, the dinner and the autographs you gave me. Whenever you need another favor, please tell me OK. Thanks again." "I see now," said Holmes.
It was nearly night when we returned to The Cavern when we saw both of them waiting for us inside. "Hello," he said. "I've been expecting you." "Hi, inspector. What a surprise." "Surprise is what you're going to get" said Watson. "What! " said George surprised. "Look tell me where John is and I will not report you to the police, OK" said Holmes. We had no choice; we had to tell him everything. "I see you had an accomplice, and you did this because of fame, fortune, and respect. I must agree that John shouldn't have acted the way he did, but if you guys do kidnap your own partner, you are acting just like him" he said. We let John go, and we all talked and solved the problems. It's true we don't need money to be happy. All we need is love.
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Foto del autor Aldo
Textos Publicados: 12
Miembro desde: Nov 26, 2009
0 Comentarios 433 Lecturas Favorito 0 veces

Palabras Clave: Detectives

Categoría: Cuentos & Historias

Subcategoría: Terror & Misterio

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