Don The Lazy Bear (Journal)
Publicado en Sep 08, 2015
Don The Lazy Bear is lazy and quarresolme. All you have was simply jealous bully, lazy and insolent. As you not work lives off his wife. Drink like a fish and, when drunk, she said to be of "blue blood". He says he is noble but it was born in a grassland. He is uneducated, nearly illiterate and violent at home, where we always discussed aloud and try to beat his wife. As one loves money is stolen his wife to spend with the prostitutes of a Connecticut nightclub. There all prostitutes laugh at him as he emptied all his pockets. After staying ruined he tells his daughter that her mother is crazy. Poor man! It is sad to see him through the streets, drugged, and more miserable than Judas Iscariot because it is totally false! 
In 1998 I was asked to investigate to discover nightclub where all the money he stole from his wife spent. It was a dark, dirty and smelly place where alcohol is drunk, traded drugs, prostitutes deceived unhappy as Lazy Bear and ruin are finished playing in a bowling alley. Once he discovered the affair, his wife (tired from working so hard to get her daughter later in life) filed for divorce and the judges awarded him. The daughter realized everything and is now happy with her mother while Don The Lazy Bear evil lives doing odd jobs because he has no studies to find a good job. Deceived by a slut live with a whore and has no future as a person kind of glamorous .
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Foto del autor José Orero De Julián
Textos Publicados: 7132
Miembro desde: Jun 29, 2009
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