the way i see my life
Publicado en Jun 25, 2013
I can describe my life like a lot of things i havent done. Like all the good things i let pass without even look.Like a lot of letters without destination. I wope up this morning looked around and realize it was nobody at home.
So i can tell you whoever you are, do not be like me. Im not a criminal im not even close, but i havent love the people who loves me the most.Alone, confused and without the only thing that made be me. myself.Yeah that's right im lost. No clue of who i am. or where i have to go. 
Where is God? Oh no! i promised i would ever ever again said or think he left me alone. I keep lying to myself all the time. Cuz the truth is i cant hear his voice.
Open my eyes, im here, listening taylor swift's songs and wondering how life can be so damn fair?you will never have what you never give.In my damn case, never let them love me, have no love in return. thts how life works.With time they get tired of me.Me being a kid, me being being me. Like him. Another version of him, not so good, not so bad.No more excuses, or tears, or songs to sing.Just nothing. Cuz they aren't here. 
All the good times are gone,Being a kid, was nice .Everytime i see you, my heart talking bout you again.The whole blame is yours.I don't care if your agree with me or not.Cuz i always loved you the most.But they. They were my real family and now they left.Just like you did to never come back. 
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Foto del autor Agustina Aguirre
Textos Publicados: 99
Miembro desde: Mar 04, 2013
2 Comentarios 463 Lecturas Favorito 0 veces

mi life is like i see it isnt it?

Palabras Clave: life

Categoría: Artculos

Subcategoría: Comentarios & Opiniones

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Wow! Sadness writes your text.... We como to this world alone and we leave it the same way.....We are here to love, to learn but must of all to live, no matter if we have company or not..... Both, life and love are the most incredible paths to walk on by....

Believe me, they worth it.......

Have a anice afternoon.....
June 25, 2013

Agustina Aguirre

July 11, 2013

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