What happened?
Publicado en May 03, 2011
If the sky is gray
and cloudy right now
if the butterfly
can´t fly
what happened?
If I cry again
and you never come back
what happened?
If I miss you
and I never see
If you not existe for me
 what happened?
If I never can love
and can´t try again
If my day is black
what happened?
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Foto del autor Yo
Textos Publicados: 11
Miembro desde: Nov 17, 2010
2 Comentarios 478 Lecturas Favorito 0 veces

Palabras Clave: What happened

Categoría: Poesa

Subcategoría: Romntica

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thanks! yes my love is real!
May 06, 2011

luis jos

You, life is complicated, the love... and life in the time, but when the love is real... in the soul, reborn the sunshine... i like the poem, in this lenguage. stars and Greetings!
May 04, 2011

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