Publicado en Jun 04, 2022
I feel so alone,
wish you weren´t gone,
When everything is lost.
What can I do?
I gave you all
and you didn´t give me back anything.
I loved you a lot,
I hope this pain will go over.
I wouldn´t know how difficult
This is, after all.
I didn´t know I shouldn´t give love to lose
everything, treason is a nightmare
and you had to make me dream it,
I couldn´t see what I can now.
Miguel Saavedra.
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Foto del autor Jose Miguel Saavedra Garcia
Textos Publicados: 208
Miembro desde: Sep 04, 2016
0 Comentarios 110 Lecturas Favorito 0 veces

Este poema est escrito en Ingls, para los que gustan de este idioma, lo escrib, pensando en una doble identidad.

Palabras Clave: Nightmare New identity Bad friendship.

Categoría: Poesa

Subcategoría: Gtica

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