Infertility - how to become a sperm donor?
Statistics show that in almost half of cases, difficulties with conceiving a child may be associated with the male factor. Infertility is a curable disease, but the diagnosis is difficult to accept. This is especially true for infertile men who have no signs of semen in their semen. In the struggle for offspring, so-called sperm banks come to them, working in most infertility treatment clinics in the world. Anonymous donors can come to them and donate their sperm to couples in need.
Can I donate my sperm?
Not everyone can become a sperm donor. It is not enough to have your own children or not to experience any ailments - a deep analysis of health and numerous analyses are needed. The verification process consists of several stages. Each of them must pass successfully to qualify for the sperm donation program.
- A healthy man aged 18-40 years can be a sperm donor. The qualification includes a thorough, comprehensive medical interview, diagnosis and medical consultations, as well as a visit to a psychologist. At the first stage, we conduct laboratory tests to confirm the candidate's good health and exclude fertility disorders. At this stage, we perform, among other things, general and infectious tests, specialized genetic tests, as well as computer analysis of CASA sperm. The results of all tests are carefully analyzed and then discussed during a medical consultation. A mandatory stage of the process is also a conversation with a psychologist. He or she discusses the legal and emotional consequences of sperm donation with the donor and helps the man to make a fully informed decision. Psychologist, during the visit,
How and where to submit a sample?
If the donor has passed the qualification process, the next step is to collect the material. Sperm is transferred several times by masturbation into a special sterile container. It can be taken only during a visit to the clinic.
- The clinic staff ensures that the whole process takes place in intimate and non-stressful conditions for the donor, as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is important that a man abstain from sexual activity for about 2-7 days in the period before sperm donation. The material, before being transferred to its recipients, must undergo a so-called quarantine. It lasts about 4-6 weeks and is aimed at eliminating the risk of possible infectious diseases. On average - during the whole donation process - from 4 to 5 donor visits, that is, visits during which a man donates sperm. Their frequency is determined individually - as a rule, they pass with an interval of several / several days, - the specialist adds. Watch UK online porn Diana Dali, Patty Michova, Alina Henessy, Kira Queen etc.
