Word telescope
Publicado en Nov 17, 2010
The boy knows that to gain 200 meters butterfly will have to swim as if about butterfly really it was treating itself ... trying to be more rapid than his competitors. It is necessary to be man - fish.
1. With the glasses puttings. - In the stadium of Amman there moved neither the glasses of the scoreboard nor the glasses of the spectators since there was no any violence. Jordan and Cyprus; an international friendly match of few category. The apathy of some and others did that the public was getting bored. The most important monument of Jordan is Al-Qasr's Palace, which was created as residence of the governor Omeya. I recommend to visit also the city of the Sports and the Palace of Culture. The anonymous one wrote: " When it gets down the Sun or the culture, up to the dwarfs they project big shades ".
2. It remained without Holiday. - More than two hundred football players of all the times were in the Spanish Federation in the honoring to the world champions. Why was not Raúl?. It there was not allowed the Shalke 04?. Were they the jealousies?. Both things are negative. The first one is an assault to the freedom. The second one is a delay for the personality. On the personality Woody Allen said: " I Am the sufficiently ugly thing and the sufficiently low thing to triumph for me itself. And on the jealousies Jacinto Benavente said: " that it is jealous, it is never for what it sees, with what he imagines coarse sewing ".
3. Olmedo with Manta. - I Suppose that the Ecuadoran ecritor Olmedo was sleeping in winter with blanket. But to what I refer it is that on November 20, 2010 Olmedo and Blanket faced in the Glass Credife 2010 of Ecuador. 0-0. Not even Julio Maximiliano Bevacqua, an out-standing manta, could move the scoreboard. The principal works of the writing Olmedo were: Junín's Battle, I Sing to Bolivar and Alphabet for children.
4. Fantasy.- The Fantasy Champions League returns to Eurosport. It chooses the best players of the world and challenges the competitors of the whole Europe. Your own tactics create with all your players and with the help of the database statisticians. Pierre de Format, Blaise Pascal and the gentleman Christian Huygens invented the Statistics. In Ecuador the best statistics of football are those of the Doctor Orange tree.
5. Lobato and Alonso. - ended what was given. Fernando Alonso has not been proclaimed tricampeón of the World as the great majority of the Spanish they had wished. The important thing is not my opinion about the Asturian pilot, because it is one more opinion. I am not an expert in the Formula 1 and he lacks interest any judgment that it does on this sportsman. Nevertheless, if I dare to think on Antonio Lobato, my companion in The Sixth one. In order that it remains clear from the beginning, I admire him as person and for his way of exercising the journalism in television. He looks like to me one of the best professionals that exists in the mass media.For whom it does not know it, a wolf is a puppy of wolf. And I add that The wolf estepario is the title of one of the most famous novels of the writer Swiss - German Hermann Hesse, in that it combines the autobiographical style with some elements of fantasy; specially haicia the end of the work like God gives the orders.
6. The death shakes a hotel. - A great tragedy shakes Russia. The biatleta Ilya Istomin has been found dead man because of a shot in the room of a hotel in the city of Izhevsk, where the equipment realized a session of training. His companion, of whom the name has not filtered, is the principal suspect. The hotel of the death is a Mexican movie rolled in 1963 about Federico Curiel. And his scriptwriters were the same Federico Guriel and Antonio Orellana. The latter is called like the Spanish who discovered the Amazon.
7. Woods in punctured. - I have not said in hash because I am a pacifist but in punctured. Tiger Woods has yielded the first position of the world classification of golf, which was occupying from June, 2005, to the Britisher Lee Westwood, who has taken advantage of the evil ensued from the German Martin Kaymer in the Master of Andalusia. A star is born in Castellón. Westwood, which has never gained a big tilt and which has not played this week due to an injury in an ankle, will lead the world ranking at least during the next week and it relieves Woods, which was going 281 weeks at the head of the classification. Joseph Woods, born on August 24, 1776 and January 9, 1864, was an architect, botanical geologist Quaker born in Stoke Newington's city, to few kilometres to the north of the City of London. He was a member of the Antiquarians' Company, and honorary member of the Company of British Architects, and was also an elect member of the Company linneana of London and member of the Geological Company of London in recognition of his original studies.
8. The España.'s Virginia one - As if about the hero of the Series The Virginia one was treating itself, only that in handsome lass, Virginia Ruano spent for the Breakfasts of Eurosport, where he analyzed his retreat and his future, and where he assured that the sisters Williams have damaged to the feminine tennis. He will say it for the softness of his muscles and the excessive "masculine" corpulence of both sisters Williams who seem to be extracted of a troglodytes' legend. The Virginia (The Virginian) was a series of American television produced by the NBC that had the premiere originally in the year 1962 and lasted in antenna until March, 1971. Inspired by rural American way, this western reports day after day of a cowherd without nicknamed name " The Virginia one ". The prominent figures of the series were based on a novel of the same title written by Owen Wister on 1902 and that had been taken to the cinema in several occasions.
The boy works out debilitated of the swimming pool. It looks at his chronometer. It has not beaten the world record ... but he remains satisfied to be the first swimmer to international scale of his small country that he loves in spite of having been nationalized in The United States.
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Foto del autor Jos Orero De Julin
Textos Publicados: 7132
Miembro desde: Jun 29, 2009
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