For you my LOVE.
Publicado en Jun 02, 2009
I don't know where are you but I'm sure you going to find me some day. I know that you have all those good feelings saved for me. That you also want to feel this that I got for you, for your heart. Baby I just want you to know how much I wait for that moment. How much love I have here inside of my heart, my body and my mind. I know that you will like it and you going to appreciate what we can build together. But sometimes I think that you don't want to appear because you are afraid of compromise. And I don't want a compromise like that. I just want a compromise from your heart, nothing else. This is for enjoy it not to suffer again and if it's like that don't come to me, please. It doesn't matter how much time I wasted here. It doesn't matter how many dreams I got with you. I preferred to suffer without your love than be with you and be unhappy. I don't want an obligation, I want to feel you. Like a human, man, lover, friend and a person. I want you. I need to share this with you because you are my love. And I know that you, wherever you are right now feel the same. I want to give you all that I am but with a condition, do not squeeze my heart.
Baby I need you here and I can explain why. I only know that I will go to give you all that you need for a woman: pleasure, tenderness, love, comprehension, freedom and all kind of feelings that can keep this alive. Keep this beating like our hearts. I want to feel you running in my wrists but running because is that love what make it. Not want to cry no more, no more tears about empty love. I want to laugh and wake with your heart close to mine everyday. Feel your heart beat at the rhythm of mine too. Feel your breath close to my heart saying to him that you going to be there for him, not for me, for him. Because he miss you. He wants you to know that if you think to come and take him in your hands, he will go to be grateful. He needs you; need your hands and your voice. He wishes you could be here holding it, touching him with care. Give him a hug, please. Because he is scared to get another knock, another hurt. He doesn't want to be bleeding again. He don't want to bag for love, he wants to feel it. Baby, where are you? Because my heart can't support this no more. I can hear yours telling me that he wants to be here. So I will be here until you decide to come and save it close to your heart. He wants you to be the reason to be alive. This is real and enough to get happiness. He is broken but when you appear I think he going to be all right and ready to give you all what you need to be loved.
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Foto del autor Vivian D.
Textos Publicados: 2
Miembro desde: May 26, 2009
1 Comentarios 328 Lecturas Favorito 0 veces

Palabras Clave: love

Categoría: Ensayos

Subcategoría: Pensamientos

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Muy hermoso relato, Creo que logras transmitir un mensaje de amor ,que resume lo que se puede sentir, necesitar o amar a una persona y esta a su vez no ha entendido lo que tu corazon es capaz de entregar..
Felicitacionesss amiga !!!
June 02, 2009

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