hapiness seems so far away
Publicado en Aug 22, 2016
Your lost kill your soul 
Kill your heart and mind 
You. You used to be the life
The truth
The love
The kindness
The loyalty
The generosity
The honesty
The magic..
Everything to me.
But... You go on your own
Your own fight, you own way 
I can't tell how sorry i am
to let you feel you were alone
cause' you don't.
But my dear, i'm a fool.
a little child
fool, cold, with all cover with fears.
and in this time, my love
i'm lost.
just like you.
Your lost, kill us
kill our "us"
we were lost before the start 
we loose the game before the play
cause we lost
we lost the most important fight
with love.
You were lost before
The love of your life..go.
and you go too.
and now.. i lost
i loose you.
and loose me in a moment 
that seems forever.
The guilty
the guilty is the worse feel i know
and i'll live with him.
i'd live with it before.
but still have love.
now the guilty have a form
and name.
and there is no love to survive.
The only thing i can say to you now
is i love you
and i hope you'll find a place
to you belong
in the future or in the past
your own place.
cause i don't have it.
i hope you feel whole again.
cause i never feel it
no, i'm lying.
i feel whole when i was on your arms.
but you don't.
i can' tell you how sorry i am
for don't has been enough 
and with my more sincere feeling
i have to let you know
that i will miss you
i will love you
in the only form i know
with silence
and hurt
and so far away from you.
i have to tell you
i'll miss the sun
i'll miss the love
i'll miss the life
you give me.
but i'll especially miss 
the hapiness
the hapines that only you show me
and let me feel.
i'll miss that. 
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Foto del autor Karen Ferrer
Textos Publicados: 9
Miembro desde: Aug 22, 2016
0 Comentarios 486 Lecturas Favorito 0 veces


Palabras Clave: miss you english lost loose love life hapiness sadness

Categoría: Poesa

Subcategoría: Romntica

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